This review contains spoilers

Last year in July, I got a new gaming PC and entered the world of PC gaming. I had dabbled in it a bit on my old shittier PC but I only really stuck to the 3 or so games I could run on it. When I started properly playing on PC though, obviously the genre I’d be playing the most is FPS games. I played Team Fortress 2 religiously, tried a bit of CS:GO before ultimately deciding that it wasn’t really for me and so on. But in the back of my head I kept on thinking: What if there was this super fast paced shooter that really challenged you. So I did some digging on Youtube and the Steam Store and eventually found Ultrakill.
I instantly fell in love with the game. I was fast paced, had cool weapons, enemies exploded into blood and guts when you killed them, it was like a dopamine machine. The concept of being this robot designed to kill and use the blood of its enemies to survive and fighting demons in hell sounds corny and a bit edgy but Ultrakill does a great balance of taking itself seriously and also having a bit of fun every once and a while. First you’ll be fighting demons before fighting an angel as he monologues about how much he hates you and then you’ll be playing a secret mission where you fall in love with a school girl version of the main character V1 in a visual novel.
Of course you have the main story mode to the game but you also have a couple of other game modes which are just as fun. The Cybergrind mode is the reason I keep coming back to this game. Fighting an endless army of enemies and racking up high scores is incredibly addicting and fun. Sandbox really lets you mess around with the mechanics of the game like spawning enemies, props, etc. And the Credits, while some players might skip, is honestly so cool. Instead of just a regular slideshow of names, the credits in this game is its own map thats a giant museum that you can freely explore with facts, models and even some secrets.
The soundtrack is great as well, I’m usually not the biggest breakcore fan but Ultrakill is one of the few times I don’t mind it as it fits with the game’s chaotic fights.
I would highly recommend this game to any fan of shooters. The game might be a bit overwhelming at first but you’ll soon get into it and will be hopping from enemy to enemy racking up style points.

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2023
