Once again, fantastic game! I grew up on this one more so than the original Spyro the Dragon (namely because I was a kid and thought Ripto looked cool...)

I had a lot of the same control issues I had with Spyro the Dragon carrying over into Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. However, this did not stop child me from playing it over, and over, and over again. The characters were all very compelling and it made me fall in love with story telling all over again, each time I played it. The dialogue was witty and humorous, Ripto was truly deplorable in the best way, and Spyro as always was so cool.

Even despite constant dragon racism towards him.

That aside, 4/5. Solid game. Would play many times over, again and again.

Great game! I played this first when I was young and getting introduced into gaming, and while I never truly fell in love with the platforming genre, Spyro the Dragon still holds a massive place in my heart.

Of course, being a game from 1998, it has its... Many issues. However, even to this day I still think the game holds up. If nothing else, the soundtrack is phenomenal. Spyro as a character is very fun and witty, though I never cared much controlling him. Unsure if it was a problem with our old system since it was older, but the controls did feel a little clunky at times (things not responding as quick as they should, for example).

I am giving this a solid 3.5/5.

I am not sure how to express just how much this game changed my perspective on video games and how games can, and should, be done.

The story telling, although lacking in some departments, (mainly in Wyll's story line, Minthara and Halsin's lack of dialogue, etc.) is immaculate. As any Dungeons and Dragons based RPG should be, honestly. Amelia Tyler did a splendid job narrating the game and immersing me in the story, simultaneously making me feel like I was there within Faerun but also playing the game with her as my DM.

Beyond that, the character depth is spectacular. I won't lie and say I've gone through everyone's arc, good and bad. But, seeing the endings I have gotten, I wish to see all the endings I can get for all the characters. Astarion has been praised to the Sun and back, but personally I find Lae'zel to be the most compelling character quest. This is a no spoiler review, so I will not go further into detail, but I recommend everyone give her a shot. Trust me.

The combat to me feels very clean, yet again, very Dungeons and Dragons in execution (which is a good thing, given this is a Dungeons and Dragons game). Fun seems to exist (allowing players to sneak 15 wine barrels into a room to immediately kill the BBG with one fire bolt... As it should be done).

My only real complaint really lies with Wyll, Minthara, and Halsin. Wyll mostly. I preferred the character he was in the pre-release version of BG3, where it felt like his character actually had depth to him. He was slightly crueler, wanting to do unto goblins what they did onto him, as it were. It was compelling, more-so than a goody-two-shoes actual hero type. He had nuance that I feel he lacks in his character current. Maybe I'll change my mind as I play more into his story mode, though. As for Halsin and Minthara, I'm just a little disappointed in their lack of dialogues (from last I remember). They felt incomplete, and I'm sure to some capacity most likely were, however it's still disappointing when I want to hear special dialogue from my characters and I can't get anything from Halsin, for example. Or he will repeat the same dialogue/dialogue options we've had since he's been in my party. Very annoying, as someone who enjoys story a lot.

Regardless of my gripes, I do find this to be a very enjoyable game. Only knocking it down to a 4.5/5 because no game is perfect. But I do think this is close to perfection, for someone like me.