Hey there, I am Taering. I am an INTP boi. I am from Jordan. I am a self-taught English speaker. I run a couple of social media accounts; both in my name and not in my name. I make maps in various different games (Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Geometry Dash, Rocket League, etc). Last but not least, I also run a couple of mildly popular Discord Servers.
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Gritty, grounded, realistic, with fun and realistic characters.
The only problem I have with this game, besides the occasionally corny writing, is the characters all being too similar, it feels like a lot of characters in this series are just downright either sentimental, sad, anxious, or whatever other mental illnesses they have either cause their dad died or some generic traumatic event happened in their house exactly 1000 years ago that they still can't get over. On the surface, every character has a story; then when you dig deeper, you realize everyone not just in this game but in this entire series has the exact same story just with different names which is kinda funny.

That aside though, I appreciate how grounded this series really is. It always has just one character with a weird power in a hyper grounded world so it makes the power look even cooler, as opposed to like; superhero worlds like marvel, dc, the boys, etc etc where eveyrone has powers so you don't really conceieve how powerful each power is on its own.

So I appreciate that, I appreciate all the little sound effects and sound design efforts done on this game, it really adds to this grounded vibe the game has. It's very wholesome.

Overall though, I think this is easily one of the best narrative story-driven choice games I've played, it's very underrated and I don't see it talked about often simply because everyone just wanted more Max and Chloe; especially from a game literally called LIS 2, so yeah... the problem is purely in the title. If the title of the game is changed, I guarantee it'd be more successful than it is right now. But alas.

Ah yes, another story where an INTP character creates an entire habitable world with story, characters, fake people, real people with fake personas, and an entire lore behind them. All in their own heads.

INTPs try not to be utterly insane challenge. (IMPOSSIBLE)

Save the World is bad, and I'm not even talking about Save the World here, I'm talking about base game; the main one. Battle Royale.

Listen, all I'm gonna say here is that, all you can observe with this dumb game is the following:
- game is alive for a while
- epic does something dumb that kills it
- epic returns [something] for nostalgia sake

rinse and repeat, before it was tilted, they were playing around with it and teasing with it for an entire year, then they returned it and took it away within mere months, then they teased it a little and returned it again, then again, then again.

Eventually, tilted stopped working for them, so they started going for the ENTIRE f'in map instead, ah yes... the rumors of the OG map returning beat the very year fortnite started existing, that's how old the rumors are

the rumors became reality in november 2023, and guess what? everyone showed up for it.
then it ended, and that was that.

We said "okay, now chapter 2 OG" and guess what? before that could ever even be rumored, we're right back to chapter 1 OG because some dumb fallout season didn't work out for them unsurprisingly, bloated generic new map number 3891379132012 didn't work, so they started going for just milking the living hell out of the OG map again; first it was tilted, then the OG map; the map returned somehow in some dumb 40 player LTM; yes, 40, not 100, for some reason. maybe they wanna make BR look less bad? or they dont wanna draw out the entire playerbase from there?

they probably wanna make it seem like "ah yes, 100 isn't so bad, look how well it works in this large map" and they made the smaller OG map 40 so it doesn't look so dumb to have 100 in a big map.

so yeah, this game just sucks.