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Ah yes. The most horrendous event of 2020.
I was gonna say that's probably the pandemic that spanned the entire year but nah... nah the pandemic and the lockdown was great. Mostly.

Anyways, this has gotta been one of the worst launches for a game. Ever.
But putting that aside, now that Phantom Liberty came out and the bugs have been annihilated, I think we can finally rate this mess of a game, as a game, and not as a bug-fest.

Honestly, it fails to be nothing more than your average action-adventure FPS shooter.
I thought I'd like it, it clearly has all the cool advertising and the meta futuristic super cool dystopian vibe, but it doesn't really nail anything beyond that.

The atmosphere is nice, the gameplay is good, but it's all too repetitive. We've seen it before, time and time again. The story is nothing special, the dialogue and the way everyone speaks feels way too meta and not very self-aware, it's like everyone is just trying to be like 2010 Tumblr with all the cool metaphors and edgy lines and all that, the way everyone speaks is just like... dude, are people really gonna be speaking like that in 2077? I sure hope not, and if they are, well, that's fine too because I'll probably be dead by then lol.

That said, I don't know. Like I said, the level design, the map, the atmosphere, it's all pretty cool but it feels like it tries too hard sometimes; it absolutely breaks immersion. I mean, it doesn't help that CD Projekt are a Polish company so they don't really get American culture, like, say, an American company would. But the upside of that is that they're not being actively controlled by America's little propaganda fests, but they clearly tried to have a hand in it. It feels like every triple A nowadays has to have its little dose of propaganda all around. It's mandatory. Maybe it's the same for a European company creating an English game, but it feels like it's not as maintained and influenced by America tbh.

Anyways, back to the game, the only reason you would have to play this is if you wanna feel like you're packing a ten-incher and you're cool as hell in a cyber dystopian world and you got all the cool guns and shit. And if you like RPGs. And if you're somehow not tired of the repetitive genre that is action adventure FPS RPG. We've seen it, time and time again.

The game isn't bad by all means, it's just repetitive, the same dish, served again in a different layer. Come on. Something new, please. Innovate. Move the genre forward. It seems, only Rockstar can really do that lol.

Boy 2013 was the start of the downfall of the gaming industry, very specifically the singleplayer market. I yearn for when we had higher standards for game.

Now it's just;
Recycle and recompile a bunch of ideas, have some really cool and edgy marketing, while the game is just your average shooter RPG FPS. And boom, your company is now through the roof. It's so easy to feed people this shit tbh.

It feels like for most triple A games nowadays, the idea isn't even in the game itself, it's in the marketing. When you hype something for long enough and pour so much money into it, the focus stops being on the product and it starts being more on the idea of the product; see, GTA 6 or Half-Life 3. The hype for GTA 6 died down as soon as a trailer dropped. We all know a lot of people aren't as excited for the game itself as they are excited for this "one mega product that everyone wants to have". The idea is enticing.
It was like that for Cyberpunk, and that's why it launched with so many glitches, that's why CD got hacked, that's why they got forced into launching the game.
Horrendous. They wouldn't have been a target. They wouldn't have had so many eyes on 'em. Etc etc. If not for how much money they poured into advertising this lackluster RPG that's only good because of how much it's been puffed up. Critics paid off, people lying to themselves.

It's the same for every triple A like I said, people only enjoy it because everyone says it's a 10/10 and the critics say it's great and it becomes moreso peer pressure. It's all a lie.

Damn. I sounded like Johnny Silverhand lol, just without the propaganda filter.