God of War 2018

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It is, a very interesting game. I liked it. It probably deserved 2018, but I think Spider-Man deserved it the most, but that's another topic entirely.

The game is... good. There's not much to say about it, beyond the fact that it's the usual master protagonist who grows to like his companion throughout the game; we've seen it in The Walking Dead, we've seen it in The Last of Us, we've seen it in Life is Strange 2, we've seen it in Batman Enemy Within (kinda), it's just... it's nothing special. It's very repetitive. The same dish served with a different flavor; but that works for most people, unsurprisingly.

I don't think it really innovates anything, it's a good game but it's just really monotone and at times repetitive; the gore effects and the way Kratos annihilates monsters is very notable and fun to me, I liked that part. Kratos is so insanely badass that you just admire it, but he himself as a character isn't very entertaining to me, he's just badass, but nothing more. I didn't really care about his arch, and I found Atreus to be too annoying to be likable.

The only thing that had me hooked throughout the game is the gameplay itself, I found it fun, the story was very generic and even the gameplay would get either reptitive or frustrating at times; the level design for puzzles is either too simplistic or too reductive to the point where you don't know what to do, where to go, there's too many routes diverging, or all of these combined. And puzzles don't really make themselves clear, I still solved them but again; it's never obvious. Especially the chest runes, you just find the letters by pure luck and nothing more, there's no basis to follow. I think the developers just relied on people using YouTube for those, which I personally don't like to do. It breaks immersion.

Speaking of; the game's environment can be very immersive, but like I said, it's always interrupted by Atreus' annoying comments or rage fits, I found Mimir to be a very interesting little lad; he made the game more fun than it actually is.

But overall, it's painfully average. It has cult status for no real reason.