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Boring. Just... boredom. Boring-fest. Snoozefest.
It took everything good GOW did and just dumbed it down and ruined it. No one wants to play as Atreus. No one cares about his story. The weapons and the combat-play get repetitive and boring very quickly. I heard there was a third weapon which I'm too lazy to even look into or complete enough of the game to get to; the characters are just so hippy-dippy, quirky, and outright annoying and obnoxious, there isn't a single likable character in this game apart from Kratos himself who also grows to be a femboy halfway throughout the game, they gotta make him soft because we can't have masculine male protagonists in a game otherwise people will think it's toxic masculinity.

The game is just pandering, very heavily. It's downright annoying and outright boring. There's nothing more to say, it's just unbearable to play.