This game is a classic. Time and time again it proves why it's so... timeless.

I finished it at or around, roughly 4-5 times I believe.
Now the remake dropped, and 2 years after it did I decided "Hey, there's no new good games coming out anymore so fuck it, I'll buy a remake for the hefty price of $30 despite owning the original".

But man, oh man, was it worth it. I waited for a sale. And 30 felt too much. But it was worth it.
It made me remember how great and timeless this game is. The remake doesn't innovate beyond visual improvements which weren't even necessary, granted the original game aged really well.

But still. Even knowing the story. Even having played this countless times. I keep forgetting then remembering how great it is.
It is... perfect. Perfect.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
