Please Nintendo make a sequel or a Switch port i don't care just please bring back this game please!!

The game is mediocre at best with the gameplay being bland and sometimes clunky and some sections are a drag but have a pretty cool art style and I will admit that the game managed to scare me a couple of times.

It is impressive that the game was developed by a single developer and I can respect that and the game was fun but the open world was mediocre at best and stealth mechanics are bearly an option and the game is not all too scary.

This game is one of my favorite sandbox games that I ever played in my life, I don't know how to explain this game but it is still a great game that I sometimes come back to.

This is one of the few multi-player games that I truly enjoyed and although the game suffers from bots and the lack of updates the game is still an enjoyable experience.