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Game that overshadowed by Final Fantasy 7.This Game is the first game made by Yoshinori Kitase and Hiroyuki Ito other than Hironabu Sakaguchi. Although the game is known as the 6th game of the series in Japan, it is the 3rd game in the West. The game is an open world J-RPG. The game is o It offers a nice experience with the widest character list ever. With the side missions, this experience gets even better. The game was first released on SNES and now it has been released on dozens of consoles and still continues to come out. I think the last pixel remaster has been made, new interface Although I didn't like it much, it added great and beautiful things to the gameplay. Moreover, it looks much more visually beautiful to the game with the graphic improvement. (They also removed the h*tler salute at the end of the game).

I think the story of the game is magnificent that has not been told in that depth until then. Moreover, the way the story is presented to you is of good quality, the game becomes even more beautiful. The story of the war of the 3 gods who fell from heaven to earth begins with work. These gods control their will by using their armies to transform humans and animals into creatures they call esper. When the war never ends, they declare a truce and imprison themselves in three statues, and living espers and magic leave their place to technology as a legend. The Emperor Gesthal, on the other hand, combines this magic with technology and makes a weapon he calls Magitek. You play a Magitek armored extraterrestrial entity named Terra. He greets you with a terrific drawing in the first scene of the game. When you, under Kefka's control, interact with Esper in the cave you go to collect Esper and get out of control, you join the resistance organization and the main game starts. The game consists of two acts. You have to see for yourself before I tell you.

The game's battle system is similar to the previous games in the series, but Final Fantasy VI works with each character's unique skill set instead of the job system. Each character has a different role. In the later stages of the game, Magicitie can teach each character the magic they want, and this is towards the end of the game towards uniformity. Each character in the game has a different ability as well as almost every character has its own mechanics. For example, Sabin's Blitz system You can even shoot RKOs by making combos with the enemies. With various great mechanics, such as you can copy the enemies against them with Gau, the game goes beyond turn-based warfare. With the active combat system, it manages not to bore the player.

The story in the game presents the back stories of the characters and the expression of the back stories while playing. It tells the motivation of each character, their back stories and traumas. In this way, you can empathize with the characters. Although this is great, you can ask yourself who the main character of the game is, and the game makers are the main characters. He says that you have to determine the character yourself. If you can catch the intermediate sentences in the game, the game draws you in even more. You can understand why the characters behave the way they do in a scene. For example, the story presentation of the play in the opera section is great. Having a philosophical enemy like Kefka adds an extra plus to this. he manages to become a unique character with his nihilistic chaotic thoughts.

There are 14 playable characters in the game (2 of which are optional side missions). The characters have a strategic tactical gameplay to the game with their unique skills, however, the game adds more tactics and strategy to the game by asking you to group the characters in some sections. The character is able to keep the character at high levels. It is a great thing that the environment has an effect in some battles. (For example, while fighting in the Train section, your group is affected by the gravity magic Demi). You get bonuses with Relics, this adds variety to the gameplay, although it does not affect the gameplay much. Although it looks like a drawing, you will see that it has more diverse drawing styles. Even though the background is awesome, there is not much for diversity on the World map. You can travel with Chocobo and Zepplin. You can see Mapi in a 3D Flat format. It has a while. Although it is sometimes difficult to find the cave entrances in the map, they fixed it in Pixel Remaster. In-game save points are sparse, but with sleeping bags this is not very noticeable. The pixalete drawings of the enemies are very nice. Although your characters have animation during the war, it is a pity that the enemies do not have animation, which is probably It could be because there are too many different enemies. The music in the game is a piece of art. Each character has their own theme music that fits the character. Nobuo Uematsu has done a really great job.