A pretty much by the numbers action adventure. I had a good enough time with it but absolutely no motivation to replay or go back through the levels for the various collectables.

Maybe overstays its welcome just a bit in terms of length but it's worth getting to the end for the grand spectacle of the final boss.

Looking forward to try the sequel

I loved Banjo back on the N64 and I love this style of game, genearlly speaking, but Yooka Laylee is the very definition of soulless trash

Ugly character designs across the board, forgetable music, large yet mostly empty stages with the main collectable haphazardly dotted around and locked behind challenges for children 4 and under

I think the developers were banking on Banjo's legacy to get people to like it but its like playing a cheap, dollar store imitation of the old classic, worthless in almost every way

You COULD argue that maybe the game was designed for a younger audience and it's pandering to them but its so steeped in nostalgia that I don't buy that at all.

This game is nothing more than a patronizing attempt to get 30-somethings to be excited to play something that reminds them of their childhood and it fails miserably in every way

Absolutely horrid game that begs for apocolypse

It starts out quite interesting and fun but quickly devolves into tedium when every mission becomes essentially the same thing.

The robot customizing looks like it has some depth but really just equip the things that make number go up and you'll beat every mission no problem. The game presents various options for combat but lacks any real depth as even the games toughest enemies that come at you in their own mechs can be beaten by just shooting them with rifles and spamming homing rockets. In some cases I didn't even have to move to kill the boss enemies even in the games final few missions. Speaking of the final few missions, without spoiling anything, are copy pasted FOUR times and result in a feeling of tedium rather than an exciting climax

The cast of characters is also far too big and none of them are fleshed out particularly well so the game will try to do big emotional moments with certain people but you'll be sat there going "who was that?" rather than engaging with the events on screen.

Unless you got it for free from Epic Game Store when it was available I suggest looking elsewhere for your mecha fix

Childish (ironically), ugly and frustrating

A short and miserable experience

Looks incredible for an NES game but its stiff controls make for a pretty annoying experience in the games latter half

Not quite as bad as the majority of the internet would have you believe but also incredibly frustrating with its insane knockback.

On the plus side though, at only 4 stages you'll probably beat it before you get really mad about dying a whole bunch

I'm a big fan of hard games, I am more that willing to bash my face off a bring wall for countless hours to overcome most challenges in games but Wings of Vi is a level of "hard" that is just too much

The game is mean spirited and poorly designed, aiming to waste your time by demanding EXTREMELY precise play and forcing you to just replay segements over and over again until you eventually engrain into your brain the exact movements required to get through

Nonsense difficulty just for difficulties sake is just not fun and Solgryn should probably leave to leave his Boshy sensibilties behind when he makes original games but I get the feeling he lacks the talent to design anything outside of that realm

A crap game from a one trick pony developer

Music is aite tho

Not particularly good as a Persona game since the story is pretty thin

Not good as a rhythm game since the Persona dancing games are very basic and extremely easy even on max difficulty

The soundtrack is OK but that's the bare minimum for this kind of game really.

I'm not sure who this game is for, really

There's an obvious parallel to be made with this game to Persona and while the inpiration is clear any charm or heart that was found in that game is completely absent here

On top of that, the dungeons are extremely boring and the combat becomes very one note once you hit a certain point in the game.

Also, minor spoiler, but the game ends on a cliff hanger and I don't think it sold nearly well enough for us to ever see the conclusion of this story

The Original PC-Engine release of Rondo of Blood was already an incredible game by itself but this just makes it even better. Not only that but if the remake version doesn't tickle your fancy and you want the original experience then that is bundled in this game as an unlockable

Not only that, however, but you can also unlock Symphony of the Night in its entirety to play if you need a metroidvania fix after a session of classic Castlevania, the value for money this game provides is incredible

One minor criticism I have of the game is that Maria, who you can unlock quite early if you know what you're doing, makes the entire games difficulty pretty trivial and even with Richter its not that hard. If you're looking for a gentler classic Castlevania experience then this is a good place to come to

I'm not really one for multiplayer games really but Dead By Daylight has become a little bit of an obsession (lol) for me in the last year.

For a game that is essentially just 1v4 freeze tag the perks and addons that each killer get and survivor get add a surprising level of depth and complexity to the game play

Most of the characters being unlockable with in-game currency earned by playing is also a nice plus with the exception to this being the license killers and survivors

I imagine that if I had started playing just a few years ago, during the age of insta-blinds, rampant Dead Hard and Decisive Strike being utter nonsense I might have had more negative things to say but in its current state, at least for a silver/gold rank player like me, DbD is extremely enjoyable


Obviously an incredible game with an incredible legacy but every so often just throws an incredibly irritating and unfun map. There's one in Episode 2 with a bunch of teleporters that makes me sigh every time I get to it and E4M1 can really just go away forever

Not enough to ruin the game by any stretch and the respect this game commands is completely justified but some dodgy mapwork keeps it out of the realms of perfection

Probably my personal fave of the NES Mega Man games.

Doesn't have the minor annoying jankyness of the first 3 entries but doesn't yet suffer from the stale feeling of 5 and 6

Not to say that 1-3 and 5-6 are bad games ,not at all, they are great but Mega Man 4 is the closest the NES games come to perfection

That auto-scroll near the end can get out though

A must play for any fans of Picross. Absolutely insane amount of puzzles found in one cart

Incredible game with a decent amount of challenge

The combat is pretty simple but leaves a lot of room for players to really develop a mastery of it and the level design allows for various approaches to most situations that allow less skilled players to still enjoy a stage and make it through but the really skilled ones to absolutely fly through. As a result the inclusion of a post-game Speedrun mode is much appreciated.

The story also holds a lot of intrigue of the presentation of said story keeps it real engaging. My only issue is that it ends sort of abruptly, I was very much expecting some more things to happen when the credits started rolling which was slightly dissapointing but there's a lot to sink your teeth into for repeat play throughs

The soundtrack is also incredible, something I will be blasting through my headphones at work for the forseeable future