After playing O'Brian State Park and absolutely hating it I was expecting this to be equally awful and while it IS trash, its at least mildly entertaining trash

The premise of having a horror game presented as an exam for a newly hired agent for some kind of paranormal investigation firm is pretty cool but the attempts to copy the SCP Foundation are pathetic and the jump scares and audio design are grating and ineffective

There's no mileage in this idea at all but I think the dev could make something cool if they just stopped making derivative garbage

Maybe a little silly but carried by a decent presentation and considering it's offered for free its a decent experience that can be completed in a short time

Decorating the house was certainly a highlight

Despite how good the series would go on to be this first entry is an absolutely miserable experience.

Bad handling, AI that cheats constantly and boring items, unless you have some kind of deep nostalgia for playing it when younger then stick to later entries and skip this absolute nonsense

As a hardcore rhythm game enthusiast I can safely say that Donkey Konga is probably the worst rhythm game I have ever played in my life. Despite being based on Taiko No Tatsujin it has none of that games production value.

Notes scoll past the hitbox even when you hit them, full combos aren't acknowledged by the game seemingly at all (you just get a gold DK icon if the bar is full at the end, silver if not), the music consists mostly of low quality covers of songs for Grandad and any hit sound that isn't default bongos is like having nails shoved in your ears

I thought for the longest time that Museca was the worst rhythm game ever made but I had no idea Donkey Konga was this miserable

It's a cool little idea for a game but its only 6 levels and when I finish the last one it just cuts to a black screen and I have to restart the game. The bonus levels aren't fun and I had a bug where upon killing the last thief my robot got locked in place and I couldn't do the final cleaning part of the stage and had to just sit there for a minute or so

Not a bad game but not worth the price at all. Get it in a sale

Persona 3 is probably the weakest of the Persona franchise with absolutely awful dungeon design. The social aspect of the game, where you make friends in order to create powerful demons is interesting and overall the plot has a decent amount of mystery that will keep a player going but there are so many missteps in it's design it's sort of hard to recommend

The addition of a new playable character is cool so players coming from FES or the original release can get some new content but unless you're a hardcore SMT/Persona fan then skipping this one in favor of 1,2,4 or 5 is an understandable course of action.

I'm hoping that with the remake coming in 2024 that they will fix Tartarus and I can sing this games praises the same way I do for every other entry in the franchise but unless you have some serious boredom resistance then give this one a miss

One of the best horror games ever made. Even when I taught myself to speedrun it and became completely desensitized to the atmosphere and monsters it STILL, with its masterfully written plot, manages to freak me out a little no matter how many times I replay

Can be a little frustrating when playing on hard action level which means playing for best result can be quite rage inducing but if you're just looking to get cozy in front of your TV and freak yourself out with a horror game then it doesn't get much better than this

I'm not really a big fan of Vampire Survivor clones but this one was gifted to me and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

My biggest gripe with the game is that it becomes significantly less fun the more familiar I get with the mechanics. It was an absolute blast experimenting with different builds, trying out all the weapons and getting my head around all the systems but now a lot of my runs are played in a very similar fashion and even bringing the difficulty up to Danger 5 isn't really cutting it anymore.

That said though it's still a ton of fun and is a great game to fiddle with on a busy day when you can squeeze in a few minutes to do a couple of waves, I don't regret my time with it at all. Certainly worth a pickup if you're into this style of game

Does a good job of creating an air of mystery but then ends far too abruptly.

I was enjoying the atmosphere and sense of discovery as I got deeper into the lake but just as I was settling in to really enjoy the mystery it was over.

I suppose, however, that "I wish there was more of it" isn't particularly awful criticism. Would love to see the developer flesh out this idea further

An idiots idea of depression, anxiety and other 2deep4u dark themes made worse by terrible writing, horrendous voice acting and extremely tedious segments that bog the whole thing down

What made it even worse is that after getting an ending, reloading the game causes the software to forcibly change your desktop background. It does warn you that it's going to use certain items of system information before you play but actions like that are unnacceptable.

It cost $0 and I still felt ripped off


PC gaming in this era certain was a vibe we just don't really get anymore which certainly made playing it a bit more enjoyable than it might have been back in the day

The level design is basic and the gameplay is repetetive but the game is pretty short so just as you might be starting to get kind of bored you'll probably have finished it. Probably more impressive back then but still worth a go now

Also I noticed that after killing the final boss my game ended very abruptly, this seems to be an issue with the Steam release. I think, when firing up the game, you can play the "Glide version" which I think rectifies a lot of these issues so be warned if you're playing on PC because I'm almost certain there was supposed to be a bit more of a cutscene or at least a credits roll that I didn't get

An interesting strategy RPG for the NES that's worth playing if you're a big fan of the genre

It suffers from some insane difficulty spikes in certain areas and turns that take FOREVER because you have to manage so many units at once while adhering to strange rules about movement but if you can get past that it's an oddity worth checking out

Interesting little point and click on the PS1 that's worth playing if you're interested in FromSoftware's pre-Souls days.

Controls are a little clunky but you can adapt to them pretty quickly. Most of the puzzles are pretty intuitive too and I only had to use a guide once or twice throughout my playthrough.

People call it a horror game and I didn't find it particularly scary but that may be a product of its age and my own desensitization to the genre in general, so your milage on spooks may vary

Worth a play for sure

Best experienced with as little prior knowledge as possible

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wince, you'll probably get mad at a few points too but LISA provides an experience most games do not and that is absolutely worth experiencing

One of the best run and guns/boss rush games ever made.

Has a lot of style, tight controls and a good amount of challenge.

You may hear from a lot of people that the game is hard but I feel its difficulty is overstated. The challenge seems high at first but if you're willing to buckle down and learn the attack patterns like you're playing an old Megaman game or something, the game quickly becomes a cakewalk. I even did Normal and Hard back to back with no deaths

The one drawback it has are that the run and gun stages are extremely basic. There's maybe one interesting setpiece in all 6 of them, it would have been nice to see some fun stage ideas get played around with the way an old classic like Gunstar did but first time through they are just fine and become very dull on repeat playthroughs

Play it if you haven't, it's great