Basically a first-person FMV adventure game. The combat is not really combat per se - you just spam your "attack" move until you win, no thought necessary - so in practice it's more about puzzles, like using a rain spell to put out fire or a light spell to navigate a labyrinth.

Mostly coasts by on the strength of its silly theater nerd writing and the large (and shallow) cast of characters. I get the distinct feeling that the person who made this game basically invited all their friends and family and family of friends to take portraits and deliver grandiose lines. It's fun in that respect, and a good game to play in a call or on a stream with your buddies.

That said, the simplicity and shallow goofiness start to lose their appeal around hour 3. Other games like this tend to wrap up in a nice clean 2 hours. This one outstays its welcome.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
