Finished it short of 100hours (story, sidequesting but not all, and crafting). Absolutely love the gameplay, the story is a bit "meh", no tears.

I had recieved this game from a friend, was surprised at how amazing it was. Scored based on when it was new(ish).

The worst SSX in the bunch.


Score based on when it was new. But I did miss the goofyness from the previous ones.

Score based on when it was new.


Score based on when it was new. But I'm a bit sad I can't access all different multiplayer forms when I play on Xbox Series S (my only Xbox), there only the survival works-

The princess-collectors game I never imagined I wanted.

Scored on when it was new: Really addicting.

You'd think being a nintendo exclusive it would run really well and feel smooth. Yeah? no, ain't happening.

Not captivating enough for me.

I can't remember much from it, except I thought it was good, important and had beautiful graphics.

Played when it was new. Amazing Tales of-game! I'm hoping for a remaster and re-release