My favorite game of the Arkham series. A game I look back to so fondly I'd say I've ran through and beaten it about fifty times. And that's one of my personal favorite things about this game. If you're a new player you can take things slow, partake in all of the available side quests and be the batman. Or you can blaze through the games story and finish it in around four or five hours. The lack of needless tutorials helps this as well and gives this game a more open feel then others in the genre. I love spiderman ps4 but it gets bogged down for me personally due to its forceful tutorials laced into the story also the Mj and Miles section, but that's a story for another time. Long story short, this game is amazing and you should do yourself a favor by playing it either on the Playstation 3 or as part of the return to Arkham ports for Playstation 4, I've personally played both and the original is less buggy, but the ports incluse all of the dlc and Arkham Asylum which is in itself the amazing game that started this whole series. Thank you for reading.