Completely spoiler-free review.

"What is the point, then?"
"There IS no point! God has forsaken us!"
-Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter, 2013 (Mini-Series)

Making a sequel is an unfathomably cautious endeavour. How does one deliver a follow-up that isn't too similar to its predecessor, but also doesn't renew the formula too drastically?

I am fully against the statement "the first one was better". It leaves no room for appreciation for what the installment had to offer. As if the mere association with a classic or well-received title instantly renders the game inferior in all respects.

Yes, it's good to point out flaws, but constantly comparing it to a previous title never does any of the compared parties justice.

Without further ado, here goes my spoilerfree review for The Last of Us part II, with the spoiler-heavy one pending.

The Last of Us part II is deeply emotional.

It is a game that deserves its runtime. The gameplay is difficult but never inconsistent, there is a focus on characters and conflict, and, most notably (for me), the world is filled to the brim with small stories that are worth discovering.

It may be a long ride, but at the end it will, at the very least, have been a memorable experience.

Take the time to sit with this game.

Let this game sit with you.

That is all I will say.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2022
