8 Reviews liked by TeraNitzcynski

when i say i want games that mix genres, this is what i'm talking about. you get the fun uncharted set pieces, satisfying dark souls-esque parry combat, in an addicting and fun metroidvania-esque format. story is great and is delivered wonderfully too. only hoping i get to mess more with force powers in the sequel, feels a little lacking on that front for a game titled "jedi"

marking down half a point for glaring technical problems. like seriously within the first real boss fight i had already clipped through the floor once and crashed once lol. please pay qa staff

Now that I own a Steam Deck, I've been seeing this app appear in the recommended section nonstop whenever I boot it up. Decided to give it a whirl and had a fun time!

They do a good job going over what the Steam Deck is capable of in terms of functionality, the graphics do a good job showing off the power of the Deck, the writing is funny, and it's over in around a half hour, giving you just enough of a taste of what the Steam Deck brings to the table to make you excited to use it with the rest of your Steam library. If you own a Steam Deck I don't see any reason to not check it out!

Also this taught me how to take screenshots with the Deck this is such vital information I feel reborn.

My dealer: got some straight gas this strain is called “literature” you’ll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I saw some demons in the forest
My buddy Walter pacing: the eastern kingdom of mikado is lying to us

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Defog
- U-turn
- Toxic

Punch Time Explosion walked so Multiversus could trip and fall on its face.

she's kind of like me (unemployed as hell and delusional)

"Like you said before, we've gotta declare a winner. And if you won't say it... Then allow me. We Win".

At first, it seemed unconceivable to consider a flashier and more stylish game than TWEWY. They fucking did it again. NEO doesn't innovate horizontaly, every concept is taken from what could make the original game even more special, but it's weird to say TWEWY follows a formula. Nothing was all over-the-place; and if it was, you can sense it's made to be this way. The tone is overall more lighthearted, but shares the same intensity, slowly delving into more complex explanations, mind-numbing schemes and pure unpredictable story telling (perhaps not that unpredictable, but I was easily absorbed into the enviroment in the first week of the game). 3 weeks and a lifetime, played in a few days, not even a full week. Worth it. At the end of the day, I did dig those streets, some I'll never actually see in my life. You can feel the pulse there. People's ideas conflicting. Changing. I liked being in the audience. The player, a stargazer. A world began anew within the immortal phoenix of time and space. And by the percentage of the groove, be it zeptogram small even, it was the time for it all to be over. I lack the words to express how much I want a "Jupes" fit, or any of those meals at Hachiko Cafe. Another Day, who knows. I feel relieved. I got what everyone gets. A lifetime.

Me: "Damn, I know I'm on a trip, but I really feel like GAMING today..."

Louvre employee: "Saviez-vous qu'il est étonnamment facile de modifier votre 3ds?"