1 Review liked by Terminator

This is the kind of game that defines generations. The world is vast and expansive, and more full of life than most games have even attempted. I never touched the witcher franchise before this game, but playing this absolutely sucked me in. The lore is deep, the themes are thought-provoking, the characters are endearing, the main story is emotional and you can feel the stakes constantly rising. The game makes you understand the importance of Geralt’s mission, and by extension yours.

Geralt/you are constantly faced with choices that change character’s lives, often even deciding fates and you’ll find yourself caring about how you impact them, and how Geralt is seen by people and what you do for that world. It’s an adventure in every sense of the word, one that will make you feel a variety of emotions and take you to unforgettable places, and interact with fleshed-out and unique characters, major and minor alike.

Just go play the damn game already lol