I hate this game and yet I've managed to sink so many hours into it. It's such a mindlessly vapid experience that I would play this all the time as background stimulation for my ADHD, and while Musou games have generally been good at that, this game crosses a line where I could literally be taking tests or attending remote meetings while playing it because the actual gameplay had been dumbed down to the point that requires next to no thought. It's a real shame since the combat actually has the potential to be a bit more interesting compared to the average Musou, but it just doesn't come together and the everything else is so dreadful and antithetical to what makes a good Musou game (open world? OPEN WORLD?!?) that it renders this a prime example of a developer not understanding what made their own games so good.

P.S. I unironically adore the dub for Dynasty Warriors 8 and I'm still salty over the entire cast being replaced

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2021
