Gay sex is pretty rockin'. Anyway, this is a BL VN about two best friends who get hoodwinked by some mysterious organization and are trapped in a hotel room together, and can only escape by earning points by performing either an act of violence or sexual humiliation upon one another that they are assigned at the start of each day. Said organization is never elaborated upon, nor is the purpose of this study, which I think is fine since that would just be a distraction from what this VN is really about. Also, the player themselves is usually not given the choice of what task to complete contrary to common expectations, which again makes sense as the protagonist is a pretty well-defined character who makes choices based on his own background instead of merely being a vessel for the player to fulfill their sexual fantasies.

Rather, this VN is a case study of how two people cope in such an extreme environment and how their relationship will forever be altered by the experience. Just as much time is spent on the aftercare and de-escalation from the day's task, as the two awkwardly try to look at each other the same way again. We get to see Daichi's process of rationalization for how to fit these acts into the context of their relationship, but just as interesting is how much we don't know about how Seiji is processing the situation, who generally plays it cool and is a bit of a cipher for most of the runtime. The sex scenes themselves are written in a way that some people would find sexy, I guess, but they're not afraid to veer off into decidedly less sexy territory when it makes sense for the narrative.

Their relationship can head in a number of directions inspired by how Daichi treats Seiji during and after their tasks, but I will say it can feel a little random how certain decisions push them down different routes. While this VN makes the most of its short runtime by laser-focusing on the two characters and not bothering with the details, I still think there's some room to expand on them, especially since some of the endings are pretty short. Still, it's a curious little VN that I do find myself thinking about from time to time.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2021
