I remember buying this game when it first released in high school and trying to justify it to my friend group as “lol wacky Japanese VN with Keiji Inafune!!!” only to really get into the romantic aspects and was the first step to unlocking my long-repressed desire to smooch dudes. I still even have the pre-order necklace even though it’s way too small for my neck. Speaking of Keiji Inafune, kind of funny how poorly this game aged considering how hyped up Inafune is as being this master game designer in the script when Mighty No. 9 demolished his reputation just a few years later. Thankfully not uncomfortable, just deeply ironic.

Anyway it’s nothing too special for an otoge besides Inafune, it’s definitely more about having fun with all the wild amusement park death traps instead of developing some deeper themes, which is totally fine with as it’s pretty self-aware of its status as campy entertainment. As per usual for Otomate, some routes are duds but I’d say only one is actually creepy, and the good routes make up for it. Mitarashi best boy, I’m a sucker for brash hunks with a secret romantic side.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2021
