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April 30, 2020

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Final Fantasy VI pissed me off into oblivion. Not once had I seen such a perfect game become so tiring towards the end.

The pixel art is amazing, The OST is Godlike, and the writing is remarkable---even more so for SNES standards. Up 'till the 20th hour, we'd had on our hands a perfectly balanced RPG that not once required you to do any grinding. It was all strategy.
Sadly though, at one point towards the end, the game puts you on a wild goose chase to "refind" your party members, which is actually fun up until the point you find out these guys can be super low level if you fucked up early on, and you really need every single one of them for the final dungeon.
In there, you have to divide your team into 3 small parties and switch between them at choice as you traverse said dungeon. Here's the problem, the dungeon may be as hard--and cool--as it should be, and the final boss battle may be some top tier shit, but all the characters you never once used are now required for both, and therefore, what are you forced to do? Painstaking Grinding, and while grinding, I wasn't thinking "Damn, Kefka really is the best villain in gaming" or "Locke is such a cool relatable dude" or even "The combat here is so fucking S M O O T H". No, I was thinking: "when will this annoying bullshit end?"
Before, if I was stuck in a certain spot, I knew I'd just need to change up my strategy. Here though... Not really, and that near ruined the final hours of the game for me.

So, what did I do?
I cheated.
This game I'd been salivating for? Yeah, I cheated at it.

I don't like cheating AT ALL, but it got to that point. I didn't even have to do much, the game's many glitches did half of the job for me.

This? The Best JRPG ever? I think not.

However, the rest of the game really is absolutely phenomenal so it was never really in risk of receiving a bad score from me. Don't get me wrong. If it wasn't for all that the headaches the final dungeon brings, this could have been a clear 9, or even a 10.