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April 25, 2020

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Hard to believe how this game I was spoiled to death about, and used to simply brush aside as nothing more than an overhyped crowd pleaser, managed to not only surprise me but also rise high above all the cliches people say it presents. It's not a common tale.

Sure, it did have too many minigames forced upon you (with most of them being pretty mid); sure, the pacing was inconsistent between the 18 to 25 hour marks; sure, the summoning cinematics took too long; sure, it was way too criptic about some of its side content; and sure, two of its characters (Cait Sith and Yuffi) can go suck a dick ; BUT...

The RPG mechanics and the way they let you build a team that felt truly your own was nothing short of amazing. The story, at first, seemed to be trying to juggle too many themes but still somehow managed to wrap them all up together nicely in a truly impeccable finale; The OST goes without saying; And Cloud isn't just some emo guy with a big sword. He's a human being through and through and I hate how many seem to ignore that side of him (Fuck you, Advent Children). His story is beautiful, hard hitting and inspiring, all at once.

I don't care. Final Fantasy VII is truly something special that every JRPG fan should play at least once and "Random soldier takes off helmet" will forever be one of the industry's greatest plot twists.