Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

11 days

Last played

November 10, 2021

Platforms Played


This game encompasses everything enjoyable about the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. The presentation, production values, banter between the crew, and world building are all top-notch. Honestly, the banter approaches legendary status and sets the bar for party-based games going forward. Drax and Mantis are particular standouts.

As for gameplay, I was sold when I found out you only control Peter and direct the other Guardians, rather than it being a co-op experience. Everyone has a unique move set and they are all useful. Outside of combat, there is platforming, minor exploration, and numerous action scenes reminiscent of the Uncharted series. Also, you will make choices that affect certain scenes. Early on, you sell a “monster” to a collector and what you choose drastically affects what happens.

The game isn’t perfect though. The story gets a little too weird for my taste and it drags on towards the end. I also encountered small glitches that forced me to reload checkpoints. Nevertheless, if you have an affinity for the movies, playing this game is a no-brainer.