Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

20 days

Last played

May 29, 2023

First played

July 31, 2020

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This game fully delivers on the blockbuster Star Wars action adventure that fans have wanted for a long time. It consists of great combat, cool upgrades, tons of lore, and rewarding exploration. Also, it has one of the best intros I have ever experienced and a shocking cameo appearance near the ending.

My minor complaints are platforming issues and random glitches. Some of the game’s most exciting moments were tarnished by me falling “to my death.” Most of the time, it wasn’t my fault. The game is forgiving, as you just lose some health and retry, but the thrill of doing it in one take was gone.

The production value for this game is enormous. It’s filled with incredible action-packed sequences, comedy, betrayal, and a familiar Star Wars soundtrack to fit many themes. I can't imagine a better start to a Star Wars action series than this one.