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2 days

Last played

February 25, 2022

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I am impressed that Naughty Dog managed to develop a slightly scaled down Uncharted game (without Nathan Drake) in about a year. This game is basically Uncharted 4.5, but is surprisingly lengthy and stands on its own mainly due to a likable cast. Chloe is carefree and charismatic, while Nadine is tough and serious, creating an interesting dynamic between them.

Gameplay includes the usual puzzle solving, platforming, and gunfights. Similar to Uncharted 4, this game includes a mini open world and even has an engaging side quest. I was not a fan of the gunfights this time around, however. You can avoid most of them by being stealthy, but getting caught seems inevitable. The weapons are great, but environments felt too cluttered and enemies seemed to always have an angle on me. I specifically recall a group spawning behind me during the second phase of a fight. Thankfully, there are not too many gunfights and everything else is great.

This series usually has epic moments with close calls and near death experiences. This entry is no exception. It feels like an over the top action movie, with moments so unbelievable and unrealistic, it’s actually captivating. This was originally supposed to be DLC for Uncharted 4, but it turned into a stand-alone experience (no need to own U4) and includes that game’s multiplayer, which is a fast-paced, unique, and fun experience itself. This is a very solid package overall and a worthy entry to the series.