4.25 Stars
After the shocking ending of Gears of War 4, I was really excited to play this game and it did not disappoint. As usual, the graphics are a marvel, the new weapons are interesting, and the multiplayer was fun for the short time I spent with it. (But, I still miss Beast mode from Gears 3) It is not perfect, but The Coalition takes a few risks in the campaign with great results.

New to the series is an open world. It is much smaller compared to other games, so it doesn’t feel overdone and fits the game nicely. I found it natural and cool to see landmarks along the way and hear Del or Kait say “let’s check this out,” leading to side quests. Landmarks don’t appear on your map until you pass by them, which rewards exploration. Another improvement to the series is the evolution of Jack. He can now aid in combat (and is playable in co-op) and can be upgraded with components. His abilities are game changing and will have you exploring every nook and cranny for components.

An issue I have is the execution of the story feels disjointed. The game basically has 2 plots and they take turns telling each one, which is odd. The “Gears story” has you trying to get the Hammer of Dawn to function again, while Kait’s story continues from Gears 4. The “Gears story” can be redundant and some moments feel unnecessary, while I wished Kate’s story was more fleshed out. I feel Kait’s story would’ve been perfect if it were placed towards the end or the ending itself. Overall, the campaign is pretty memorable and contains some interesting moments and locales.

This game has me excited to play the next entry in the series, yet again. Between the fun multiplayer, great campaign, and as a technical showcase, this game is a complete package.

Reviewed on May 29, 2023
