This game is basically Spider-Man 1.5. It features the same map (in a Christmas setting), most of the move set, and identical side activities from the original game. It stands on its own however, thanks to its unique soundtrack, surprising plot twists, and another lovable protagonist.

I unexpectedly had issues with the combat. It was nothing too hard, but some of the enemies were a nuisance. I played on Amazing difficulty (normal) and I strive for long combos in these types of games. To be brief, most fights included multiple enemies that couldn't be hit directly, while multiple enemies were shooting you. It became too chaotic for my liking.

My initial play through was in Fidelity mode, so the lower frame rate may have played a factor in my frustration. Combat seemed easier (or maybe I was just better) during my brief stint with New Game +, which I played in Performance mode on Ultimate difficulty.

Despite my complaints, this game does enough to separate itself from the original and was a memorable experience.

Reviewed on May 29, 2023
