A promising concept that is bogged down by a myriad of problems. Most of the levels are uninspired and the enemies become increasingly more annoying. It's hard to master the game's combat system as you are often swarmed and stun locked which then forces you to button mash. The frame rate also takes a nosedive whenever there are more than two enemies are on the screen or if you are in a large room. Perhaps some of these issues are corrected in the PC version but I wouldn't know.

I ended up using the in-game cheats to progress through the games and ended up having a better time with it. I think I remake for this game would do wonders for fleshing out its concepts. Better controls, a more in-depth fighting system, and an incentive to fight enemies are some changes that could be made.

I liked the main heroine and the story is cheesy but fun. Overall, I would pass on this game unless the PC version corrects a lot of the problems I have listed.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2021
