This is my favorite game, ever.
I know when people often say this that title can go to alot of other games, but i'm not exaggerating when I say that this is the most 10/10 experience for me and no other game has ever made me feel the highs and lows this game has. It's truly one of Nintendos greatest in their wide catalog of games. It not only got me into the turn based RPG genre, but helped me become the person who I am today.
Without this game I don't know where i'd be in life and its silly to say outloud but we all have our own games that shape us for who we are today, this is my game.
I cannot wait for the remake on switch, when I heard this was getting a remake and it looked beautiful as it did I cried.
I fucking love video games man.
Whether you want to wait for the remake or are in the mood to see why this game is so heavily praised, you can't go wrong with either, you need to experience this gem of a game.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024
