This ones rough, I wont lie I mainly went back to this game to see if it was any good because I've had memories of having an ok time but after fully beating it yeah this is one of the weakest games in all of the series. Right when you start you'll notice this game is probably one of the slowest platformers and I still don't know who thought it was a good idea to consistently add in AUTOSCROLLING levels to slow down the pacing even more. This was a complete drag to playthrough and while I understand I'm not the true demographic for what this game is, it doesn't excuse the boring and slow level design. The music and sprites were the only good thing about this game because that was the only thing keeping me awake as I slog through the most forgettable levels. The main vibe gimmick got stale quick and the whole game does do some interesting things with it but its very few and far in-between. Also shoutouts to the dev who forces you to go back and collect all the toads just to COMPLETE THE GAME. I'm a completionist so that means nothing to me but to the other people who just wanted to get by and have a good time you just cant with how you're forced to find the other toads to simply just beat the game.
Really bad time overall, wouldn't recommend it. Peach deserves better than this.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
