Listen man I don't care if this game is not my demographic, it should not be THIS boring. Kids game or not, this is no excuse, this is a Yoshi title, and Yoshi titles in the past were made for kids but didn't treat their audience like fucking toddlers, ironic since they used to carry ones on their back. But its crazy to me that Woolly World was a really great game and then after that we got something even worse by comparison.

Make no mistake, Yoshi's Crafted World is awful, the level design, the repetitive mission structure, the annoying soundtrack consisting of 20 songs, the slow as fuck pacing. There's just nothing here for you. For completionists its a complete slog trying to get everything because some jag off thought it was a good idea to have the mission structure be something you exit a level, get told an objective, go back to level, and then repeat ad nauseum for 5 times. Like huh??? Did no one not realize how annoying and tiresome this is?? and it's all just padding, since you go into the same level you already completed to scavenger hunt one thing to hit with your eggs and that's it. You have the option to leave the level and then once you're taken back you're given a new thing to find. I think once I saw that I was like "Oh fuck no"

So even disregarding that I thought of just playing through the levels normally and not worrying about any collectbles but like here's the thing, if you do that the game becomes too boring and easier than it already was. You'll be blasting through levels without a second thought and there's practically no reason to even replay them cause all of them were built with you in mind to collect everything. So you end up missing on the parts that are "Fun" if you could even call it that. If it sounds like i'm being too harsh on this game its cause I am, who allowed this sort of shit to hit the shelves everywhere and why tarnish the Yoshi series like this. They really focused into the whole artistic direction this series can go to that they forgot how to make a fun platformer through it all.

I actually already owned shovel knight on the Wii U of all things but I never beat it because I was a dumb stupid kid, now i'm a dumb stupid adult who finally beat shovel knight on the 3DS and yeah, it's as good as everyone says it is.
A solid title overall not really any complaints here.

Recently got to play this one with friends on Switch Online and its so jarring to me that this game wasn't on that damn service the moment GBA games were announced, but no matter, Four Swords is a neat short game where the main challenge lies in the fact that you must co-operate with your teammates. But it also makes for a good troll game where you can purposefully do stupid shit to their team and cause havoc. But in all seriousness, I think this game is worth the look, it's not long, it's not boring, and you can finish it with your buds on a single night given how many of you there are.

So I instead decided to play the Japanese version of Castlevania 3 instead of the original for this marathon and yeah man this ost is fucking baller. Definitely recommend playing this version for that alone, but it also just balances the difficulty to that it's not as frustrating as the North American release. The partner system is the main gimmick of this game and it's great, I love the characters we have (except Alucard) on display here, Grant is a great projectile based fighter, and Sypha nukes enemies with magic, and Alucard is... well he doesn't do much until Symphony of the Night. Just give him a few years to get his beauty sleep and he'll be peak.

What a lovely time this was, you don't often get to play a game where it's styled entirely after the old Philips CDi games. It's like the Cuphead of its generation in where we haven't seen someone try to replicate something like it. Still for 20 dollars you're getting a fairly good 2D Adventure Game, it plays exactly what its referencing and quite honestly just the animation quality alone is enough of a reason for you to pick it up. The only reason its not a 5/5 for me is simply because of how easy it is to get lost, and that can have you end up wasting a few minutes searching for what to do next breaking the games overall pacing, other than that I mean it runs well, looks well, and plays well.
Definitely something you should look into if you're ever curious.

Yikes. Ok well before I get into it i'll just stay that the game is fine, It plays roughly the same as the original and anyone who hasn't played the original (go do it) will have an easier time getting into this one. But man... talk about a downgrade.

Let me explain why, this remake removed one of the core components that made the original so replayable in the first place, and that was the high score system. So in the original Mario Vs DK, levels required you to collect all 3 presents and reach the end. Once you beat it they show you a level high-score, and if you reached it, you're rewarded with a golden star signifying you mastered the level. You'd think just getting all 3 presents and reaching the end would be easy enough to get it right? No. There's also a time limit in each level, and based on how fast you do everything it can change everything. If you die even one time during the whole thing you're better off resetting because whenever you finish the first section of a level the timer gets added towards the next sections timer. I think another thing is that fall damage is completely removed in the remake, so you're able to get away with things not possible in the original.

The remake does decide to keep the timer but decides to remove the scoring system and now the requirement for the gold star is just collecting all 3 presents and beating the level. Death means virtually nothing in this game since resetting a level doesn't cost you a life like it did in the original. Things have been made way too safe and forgiving, and because of this one major change, levels are now extremely easy to go through meaning experimentation is barely encouraged. Many of the iconic voice-lines and scenes have been hit with the Nintendo sanitization ray, losing the charm it once had.

It's clear as day this remakes focus is on the accessibility for newer players rather than the fun challenge the original provided. Granted the GBA one wasn't the most difficult game ever but it definitely challenged you if you did go for the gold stars and required you to think outside the box. Which is something I can't really say with this shiny new remake, I'm a bit disappointed with it but it is what it is, the original will always be there at least.

The original Mario vs Donkey Kong was a game I played a lot growing up, I don't know what it was that made me love it as much as I did but I've since replayed it multiple times as an adult now and I can say without doubt this is one of Mario's finest games. I think the overall structure of this game lends well its arcadey nature. I love how getting that gold star requires you to master the level, but also making sure you do it in a fast amount of time also. Sometimes you'll get the gold star no problem, other times, you're gonna be replaying the same level trying to get faster times and thinking up your own solutions. The beauty of this game is that just because there's an intended way to beat a level, doesn't mean you can't improvise. Mario's moveset is so fluid and fun to use in this game, part of the fun is just trying to make the solution yourself. Not every level is like this, but most definitely are and that adds so much to the replayabilty factor.

The main reason I came back to this was to see how my opinions on how the remake would be, but as it stands yeah this is a must play for gameboy advance.

Its crazy how this game is still as charming as I remember playing it. I'll admit at the start it's a little slow and Chapters 1 and 2 are not too memorable aside from a few instances, but Chapter 3 is when things really start to pick up and then it just keeps getting better. Paper Mario is a fun, creative, and overall interesting adventure that proves that even if confined to just using mushroom kingdom only species of characters, you're still able to make many well written and unique designs from those restrictions alone.
While things aren't as fine tuned as its sequel, it's still a game worth revisiting and with the announcement of Thousand Year Door Remake, I'm hoping this and Super Paper Mario will eventually get that remake treatment too.

God talk about the most mid experience i've ever played, it's not a bad game by any means, but it's so... nothing. You play this and then you don't ever think about it again. It's a cut and dry 2D Mario experience where everything has been done to death before and there's only a few things that are actually "NEW" but that title means nothing anymore at the time of this games release. It's completely skippable, you don't need to play this, in my honest opinion, play New Super Mario Bros DS and Wii, those are actually worth going through because they're the only ones that actually feel like they add something to the table. Also this one brought back the horrible placed invisible walls and very vague secret exits that can only be found out if you used a guide. Didn't like this one at all. Play the Switch version if you must.

This is definitely a step down from all the other NSMB games but it's not like terrible. The star coins in this one are back to being cleverly placed and not hidden behind badly design invisible walls that Wii and the other games do. So in that respect, it definitely is better than those, but it's also a very safe and boring game. When you look past the coin gimmick this game is not anything worth talking about or going through, everything here has been done to death before and the music is all recycled from Wii with the exception of a few remixes. The coin gimmick is what this games identity is and to its credit, it's fun to collect these things, but that's it. Don't actually collect 1 million coins you get nothing interesting for it.

This is really the case of the story/ideas being so damn good that it cancels out how semi-mediocre the gameplay is. It took a different and bold approach to Mario story-telling and honestly, I think it paid off. If the world and overall gameplay were better it may have been the best but as it stands, it still is a solid entry that contains the heart and soul of what a Paper Mario game is supposed to be. Far greater than anything we’ve got after it. This game took so many bold choices that I strongly believe that we’ll never see anything else like it. So, in that way, I can’t help but respect it. The fact that Mario and co. are just back-seating to the REAL protags of this game being blumiere and timpani is not something I’d expect considering previous games had Mario be the star, but it’s a unique take on tradition.

So yeah, definitely great but not amazing if we were to look at the whole package. I think also 100% this game altered my viewpoint a little because when you sit down and do EVERYTHING this game has to offer, it can kind of warp your opinion in a way. For me it didn't do much but I did grow to have a deeper appreciation for this one. I totally get it if someone says this is their favorite of the original trilogy. It does somethings better than the previous and it does things worse than the previous, but what matters at the end of the day is that it's still better than anything we got after this game came out.

Easily the best game in the New Soup series we've gotten, every idea feels new and we're constantly getting hit with idea after idea that not one level feels the same in its execution. I think that's something the other New Soup games sort of struggle with, I can't remember much from the others but hopping into this one again was super cozy and I enjoyed my time. It's not perfect by any means but it is the best we've gotten so far and I feel like few have been able to match its quality.

The name says it all, this is the definitive way to play the original Xenoblade Chronicles. And what a good ass game this was, I had already beaten this game on the Wii/3DS but getting to play this after many years had passed was so worth it. I fell in love with this game all over again, and the quality of life features this game brings should not be ignored. It truly makes going back to this one more accessible without losing the charm of the original. It's a faithful remaster in every way, and one of my favorite games of all time due to how much this just fixes all the problems the original may have had.

While I still think there's merit in playing the original Wii version you're not missing out on anything by choosing this one, I think you're getting a much better experience actually. I'm only really discussing the remaster as it is cause if I were to talk about the actual game I mean its peak your honor. You don't need me to tell you that, just play it yourself.