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December 20, 2023

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Man, being half way through a series replay when the great James McCaffrey passed away made for more than a few sombre moments here. Rest in peace to a true video game icon.

I can see why this would be some people's favourite in the franchise, especially if they dislike the third game (I really like it, but I guess we'll talk about that in a few weeks). It's improved over the original game in just about every way. Most notably, like a lot of games of this era, it REALLY wants you to appreciate its ragdoll physics. And appreciate them I do! One of the greatest innovations in gaming, and beautifully deployed here. Combined with sharper visuals and much better, more complex enemy AI and the core shooting experience in Max Payne 2 is significantly enhanced over the first game.

Where it falls down, to me, is the story. I just never really cared about the Max/Mona dynamic, and it feels like so much of this game hinges on you caring a LOT about it. Max, in the best way, is kind of one dimensional - which makes for hammy, noir-y fun in the first game with its tale of revenge, gangland betrayals, and conspiracies. But when things try and get somewhat earnest in the sequel I just don't think it works. It still has its kooky though.

Steam Deck note: use a community layout with gyro aiming. It's actually really fun.