A tremendously accessible Xcom-like, for dumb babies like me who always get obliterated in actual Xcom games. There's tonnes of choice in terms of what you upgrade, what characters you use, and what relationships you form - it's a very malleable experience. I found myself pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the story, and how much optional relationship building I did. It's hampered somewhat by extremely MCU-poisoned humour, but the core of the characters is there.

Shelving this for now as, 40 hours deep, I've sort of run out of steam with it and my desire to go back is waning. It doesn't help that the PC version on Steam Deck is still a little wonky, still doesn't remember my graphics settings, and the boot up and general loading times are just slightly too long.

But I will return! This thing is super neat.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
