Pikmin 4 is the ultimate redemption for the atrocities Pikmin 2 committed to my very soul and being. Thank you, Pikmin 4

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023


10 months ago

But 4 is a downgrade

10 months ago

@CNM Why are you like this? OBVIOUSLY the reviewer disagrees, and you don't put forward any sort of substantial argument other than "but no", so what are you trying to accomplish? What are you hoping to gain? All you do is go onto everyone's Pikmin reviews and type "Peakmin 2" "Pikmin 2 the goat" "based Pikmin 2 fan" while adding absolutely nothing of substance to any conversation. We get it. You like Pikmin 2. You don't need to suck off everyone who agrees with you, nor do you need to be "erm wrong" with everyone that disagrees. Stop wasting everyone's time with your comments.