Just a Fake overwatch, not very good either

It gets credit for being a trend setter, but I hate the battle royal trend so points off

Taken king was great, Loved the art style and the world!

Pretty good remaster, the graphics coulda used some work though, they didnt really hit the tone the original was trying for.

Super underrated game, makes me want to punch my computer tho

One of my favorite games, imagine Darksouls with friends and with guns. Also this is the only game where I actually read like every single log I could find, It has an amazing world with amazing designs everywhere you look. Bosses are a treat and the gameplay is fantastic. Super underrated

I know its fun to hate on this game but its really picked up steam, and is now one of my favorite games atm. I also love the world that was created by this game, actually feels like a near future.

Even though the campaign wasn't the best, everything else was. Every time I think of it, only positive things come to mind
Graphics: Great
Gameplay: Great
Multiplayer: Great
Artstyle: Great

just waiting for it to come to PC

Hate this game, Its optimized so poorly it literally destroyed my computer.

Its pretty cool so far, loving the current season, wasn't so keen on the last one tho

Fantastic DLC, its so fun to be a boss

Pretty addicting, used to play it a ton.

One of my favorite games of all time, it hold a special place in my heart

Over hated IMO, is it great: no, is it that bad: no
its super cool that its fully voiced tho

I used to play the shit out of this, one of my faves, overhatted if you ask me