While not complete, what is currently here is very promising compared to the original!

Another FNaF game. I like this one slightly better than three, as it is more scary (which is what a horror game should do). The lore is the only thing that makes people come back to these games, because they just drag on and on more and more as the series goes on.

As a short hour tech demo, it's fun for what it is.
Just make Portal 3, Valve.

While a fun concept, it seems the community around it tries its damnedest to ruin the fun of every new player, period.

This game is probably really good. In fact, I bet it is considering how popular it is.
Unfortunately, I cannot in good faith enjoy anything about this game because I associate this game with an incredibly toxic group of people who have affected my life in a very negative way. This may not seem very fair, but I cannot, physically, enjoy this game's mere presence.
I'll refrain from giving it half a star, because I don't have a good reason to hate the game.

A surprisingly broken version of Monopoly, filled to the brim with unpolished graphics and unbearable performance.
At the very least, it technically functions.

A really well done finale for this series of fangames.
This one never feels boring, and pretty fun to replay.

Great game.
Chie is overrated.
Fight me.

Currently the only Scribblenauts game I've played.

It's okay, I guess.

The original PvZ game, ported beautifully to PC!...
Aside from the aspect ratio...that still sucks.

I bought 5D Chess, I got 5D Chess.
Really cool concept, if a bit overpriced.

It was at this point where these games start to be tedious. Again, you'll probably like this one if the other two interested you, but I really think the series should have ended here.

I'm a bit unsure why this original game got so popular, as it pretty heavily rips the gameplay of the first FNaF game.
I will give it leniency however for having a really cool artstyle.