hoenn is fucking incredible. I enjoyed the pre physical special split way better than I thought I would (I've never played gen 2 or 3 before and only gen 1 once but that's it's own beast) and there are so many awesome pokemon to use in this gen. hoenn is probably the only region where I've found myself forgoing using fly because it's just so much fun to run around the region itself to get places. and I was able to play for a full 44 more hours after beating the champion in a game where there is admittedly little to do but catch some legendaries and the uhh, battle tower which is alright in this game. but this game is just so much fun at a base level, especially if you have some other people playing the other versions to battle and trade with.

beat this recently at the arcade it's been one of my favorites for a long time and it really holds up its an exquisite 2d beat em up and it feels great and there's barely any bullshit

Yeah this game is rough. Gives me a headache. I do love Gex though.

Yeah it's primitive as hell but its fire emblem and this is also the only nes/famicom game ive ever been able to complete.

4/10 purely as a watching experience I'm sure the game is pretty good.