Really wanted to like this one because a lot of friends praise it to no end but I just couldn't.

This game is a complete mess. Right off the bat the main character is unlikable and every times he speaks I feel like closing the game. The characters in general are not very interesting and I only find myself caring for 2 of them. For some reason the game feels compelled to throw an unfunny horny joke in every scene, and even in action scenes too which is very irritating due to the frequency of them.

The gameplay is just trial and error but in an unfun way that, unless you do some weird leaps of logic, you will probably not complete the somnium in your first few tries and will most likely have to resort to a guide to complete them.

Can't really speak for the story since I didn't finish the game (and I don't really plan to), but from the 2 and a half routes I played I found myself scrolling through Twitter more than looking at what happened on screen.

Reviewed on May 05, 2021

1 Comment

date was perfectly fine, it was mazuki that was unlikeable af