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120h 0m

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1 day

Last played

August 5, 2023

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Xenoblade 3 is the first game in the trilogy that I can recommend without reservation. My 8/10 might not seem appealing to some, but I promise you that I have high praise of the game, it's just a death-by-a-thousand-cuts type of situation that drags the number down.
In fact, I truly don't want to spoil any of what Xenoblade 3 has to offer, just a few general things to know are great if you've read my other two Xenoblade reviews.
For one, the chain attack has peaked here. It was very good in 2, but it unfortunately tied to blade gacha mechanics, and Rex as the Aegis driver makes it very easy to abuse. IYKYK. In Xenoblade 3 however, you are given MUCH more to control and information in how a chain attack will play out. There is still an element of RNG, but it's far more manageable than it was in 1, and slightly more manageable than in 2. The chain attack is awesome and you will have favorite party comps.
Secondly, micromanaging is actually fun here. To not spoil too much, you are given a lot of freedom with how you want your party to look. If you're for some reason reading this without having played Xenoblade 3 yet or are looking to replay the game and didn't like it too much, I urge you to play around with a certain tool you get fairly early on. It can be kinda obtuse, so don't be afraid to look things up to get your party the way you want it.
Xenoblade 3 is great. Still plagued by things like the overworld being too big, but absolutely worth the experience in the end. Definitely one of my favorite ARPGs.