I can't believe this is the game that saved the series.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024


14 days ago

Lowkey killed the series with Roger Craig Smith and the Western writers.

13 days ago

@Schmliff0, I disagree massively.
Generations was great and it came directly after this game. The failure of Lost World and Forces has nothing to do with RCS or writing, they're just simply not fun games.
If anything, RCS gives his best performance in Colors due to the fact that the game was written with his dudebro voice in mind, as opposed to Frontiers that tries to make him sound more serious and absolutely sucking.

13 days ago

Generations only had good gameplay going for it. The performances and writing were terrible. Every game preceding Generations is more interesting to go back to because they have memorable moments. Regardless of the weird cult of Western critics who talk like those games murdered their family despite them being received positively in their home country.

13 days ago

Of course Generations had it's gameplay going for it... it's a video game. I don't care about the writing nearly as much and the performances even less so.
And I can't really judge a game by "memorable moments".
Was me dying to Cerberus in 06 memorable? Of course. 06 is one of the worst games I've ever played in my life.
Plus, I'm not sure if I could name a Sonic game that DOESN'T have memorable moments. What makes something memorable comes entirely down to how an individual's memory works. I can quote Sonic Lost World off the top of my head purely out of spite, but I couldn't tell you what the first Sonic game with a bounce bracelet is.