[Version 4.0b]

I avidly followed Megamix back in the late 00s and early 10s and remember finding it extremely impressive on a technical level, way more than the competition and still holding up very solidly to this day.

Coming back to it with about 10 or so more years experience to my name than when I last played this and the cracks really began to show. I remember this being hailed as a bastion of hope by the anti-modern, anti-Sonic 4 crowd yet you can so easily see the "pitfalls" of those games in the eyes of the critics right on display in Megamix. The automation, the BS level design and the lack of momentum reliant platforming are all here. I remember this game so clearly as being held in a higher regard than the mainline games of the time that relied so heavily on it, yet here it all is front and center.

There's some rare flashes of brilliance in the game itself, otherwise it really just stands the test of time as an absolute technical marvel but a clunker to actually play. I'm curious to see if V3 or V5 are any different in this regard, but I'll get back to those sometime in the future I suppose.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
