No Straight Roads is a fantastic game bursting with charm and personality. There's great music, gorgeous artwork and fun characters around every corner and that's only scratching the surface of the great things this game has to offer.

Not everything's perfect, but there's so much soul here that you can't help but have your heart taken by the game. For sure a must play, then a must "listen to the soundtrack on repeat for the next 4 months" kinda game.

(Note: One thing that originally let the game down for me was the combat system, which although it had its cool moments, it felt like I was required to hit tank for too much of the game.
I somehow... missed the entire upgrade system and suffered through the game without any of the helpful buffs which also add a lot of variety to brawling/bosses? Not sure HOW I let this happen but I feel I can't really discredit this part of the game when I flat-out played it wrong.)

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

kudos for having such a strong soul lol, i suggest you try playing it again with the updates at harder/parry difficulty, it's very fun :>