(Purely speaking about the experience 100%ing the game)

Cosmic Shake is pretty eh to 100% honestly. BFBB and TSSM would at least reward the player for doing so with a small scene to congratulate your efforts, but Cosmic Shake has... nothing. I guess all achievements/a platinum trophy if you want to be pedantic, but the game itself makes absolutely no acknowledgement of the fact that you've finished everything. None anywhere but a little checklist in the pause menu saying you have all 44/44 accolades.

It's disappointing, especially after the small but charming moments in the game this game is based on, but especially due to just how much more stuff there is to collect/complete here when compared to those games. As such, it left a sour taste in my mouth as although the experience of getting the 100% completion was fun, it was a lot of effort for no real reward, and that's a real shame from my perspective.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023
