Warning: Scalding hot takes below, opinions incredibly divergent from the main consensus on this game, I will laugh in your face if you get mad, it fuels me.

Disappointment doesn't begin to describe how this game makes me feel, and I can only hope that there'll be a new zelda game a bit more return to form. Maybe people like the direction that zelda has gone in, and I can see some of the positives from a game like this.

But playing or rather trying to play it, feels like I'm playing a zelda game spearheaded by Bethesda, which can really only spell grim tidings for one of the game series that's been with me the longest and one of the best I've ever played.

It's likely in the presentation of the world, or rather the lack there of a world in the first place that irks me, normally traversing the world is an interesting part of the game in and of itself if it's more open, I.E wind waker or skyward sword, however nintendo decided to forgo that in place of some dog ass open world with hardly any god damn thing in it.

Seriously, the sparsely packed islands in skyward sword, or the distant islands in wind waker, they were all substance, something tangible to interact with, in botw it's just walking, walking and more god damn walking with the occasional interesting tid bit on the side.

Coupled with the story and how it's presented, it isn't a bad story at all, but leaving everything so open ended, I need someone to genuinely sit down with me and tell me why having story progression be some hidden away secret that you have to find is fun.

The visuals and sound of the game are quite good though, I can't place what style it's trying to replicate like Twilight princess' oil panting style, skyward sword water colour paintings, but it is visually appealing, and the sound track was quite enjoyable from what I had heard.

If I had to give words to this game and what it means to me, it would be fear, that zelda has departed from the charming adventure it used to be, into this distant thing that is just wearing the skin of the franchise I had fallen in love with. Changes over the year are to be expected and hoped for for a lot of things, especially games, but I just pray that this is a change that will only help shape future games, and doesn't entirely poison it. But then again, with the sheer amount of copies this game has sold and how many it will sell into the future, it likely won't be letting up.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2024


3 months ago

Zelda was supposed to change. It was going to all along, whether you wanted it to or not. Truth was that the franchise was taking consistent and steady dips in sales as the same formula went on, Skyward Sword being the final straw. I find it much more pleasant to look at the new Zelda with a positive attitude and appreciate what it brings now. You said it had a good story, good visuals, and soundtrack. Surely those positives allow for above a 1 star.
It's the message that it sends to me through the direction it feels like zelda is going, that's why I would rate it so low. If the zelda franchise decides to move away from what it used to be then that's how it is I don't expect nintendo - nor would I ever hold out even a single hope - that they wouldn't really just be chasing profits. But it's because it's like all the other lazy, soulless, damn near empty open world games that exist. They've done open world before, and done it well in my opinion, but this is not one of those examples.

Is botw a good game? Honestly I couldn't say really, it's quality product going in a direction I deeply loathe, and it's taking what was a series of games I loved and ironing out it's image, to be nicely flat and uniform, just like all the other open world adventure games, like we don't already have so god damn many of those.