1 review liked by TheIronHamster

The plot of the Fell Xenologue is one of the biggest flaming dumpster fires I have ever seen in any media, but I don't see that as a big problem. Sure, It's just unabashedly contrived, arbitrary, and illogical, but the novelty of seeing all of Engage's familiarly bland characters deranged in this bizarre alternate world is just so much more interesting and amusing to me so much more than Engage's thoroughly uninspired main narrative.

As for the gameplay, the maps are fine. Classes, levels, and loadouts (for the DLC units) are all set, although you can use any characters and emblems you have in the main game. Playing on hard difficulty and refusing to let any units be lost, it was a formidable challenge, especially coming from Engage's late-game campaign. As others say, the associated DLC maps relating to the emblems are better while also being challenging.

Honestly, my biggest issue with it is how it is integrated into the main campaign. Considering the gameplay is mostly unconnected to the progress you've made in the main campaign, I much preferred the setup of Three Houses' side-story, which is completely separate from an individual playthrough and instead unlocks benefits and possibilities in existing campaigns. Instead, having the FX haphazardly tacked on to Engage's main plot leads to some substantial problems, from both narrative and strategic perspectives... but then Engage wouldn't be Engage without blatant contempt for its narrative and worldbuilding, would it?

Overall, 2.5 stars because Edelgard is in it.