There is a lot of influence from the Pikmin series as you play a shrunken human on an unknown world (someone's house) that is trying to return home via a ship made of various parts from around this world (household items). To help you traverse the planet and overcome obstacles, you use the help of small creatures called Tinykins.

There are five types of Tinykins, the strong purple, the explosive red, the climbable green, the electric blue, and the bridge building yellow. Over the course of 6 levels, you will obtain a finite amount of these creatures and find them in batches, making it to where you will revisit sections of a level when you get what you need to get higher or move past a destructible wall (for example). While you explore, you gather pollen to help one of the various insect peoples create tonics for you to gain the ability to hover across distances with bubbles. Each level provides opportunity to gain more and use them in further and further distances. You also gain a "soapboard" which is a small bar of soap that you can skate on to move around quicker and grind on silkworm strings as you unlock them.

So really, this feels like a Honey, I Shrunk the Kids style concept but with the Pikman assistance and a Paper Mario style design (3D worlds and 2D characters). I enjoyed playing but lost interest in the story after a while. However, I would play a sequel.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
