Hell Pie 2022

Log Status






Time Played

8h 20m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 28, 2023

Platforms Played


Who is hungry for a fruit vomit, rotten egg, used tampon, antibiotic, cholesterol-filled pie? Anyone? Well you should be, because Hell Pie swings its way to the pantheon of "great, but not perfect" 3D platformers. Using your shackled cherub as a swinging mechanic sums up the level of humour presented. Occasionally juvenile, but downright hellish and disgusting...loved it! Think 'Conker's Bad Fur Day' meets 'A Hat in Time'.

Linear levels are separated by sizeable hub worlds which are separated by Sin Inc. - Satan's building of operations. All are filled with plenty of collectibles, refreshing gimmicks and typically humorous environments - from poopy sewers to the bowels of a beached whale-turned-restaurant. The linear levels really begin to plateau around the halfway mark and the level designs themselves start to diminish, particularly the Jungle levels which looked plain and forgettable. Aside from the final boss and Gluttony (literally the only two boss fights), there was a real lack of skilled challenge from a combat perspective which, given many of the punchy punchy upgrades, kinda feels pointless.

Fortunately the platforming, exploration and collecting are fun enough to make your visit to hell pretty damn memorable. Oh and the outfits are cute. C'mon BDSM!