A detective bound to a demonic entity uncovering a family mystery in metroidvania limbos of the deceased. I mean, it's dark. The world design is Burton-esque/Lovecraftian, warped and twisted with decent exploration. Collectibles are worth seeking out and are put towards needed upgrades. The puzzles, while obtuse, had that point-and-click mystery element to it which suited the vibe. Narratively thin but...ehhh.

The BIG problem here is just how clunky Benedict controls. It almost ruins the entire game. Precision platforming is frustrating. Basic combat is frustrating. Only being able to double-jump near grapple points is frustrating. Forced stealth segment...frustrating. Chapter where your abilities are taken away from you...f r u s t r a t i n g. Even the lack of enemy variety is FRUSTRATING!

There's a good game in here, but the controls (which are hella important for a metroidvania) need a complete overhaul. No doubt this really is the LAST case of Benedict Fox.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023
