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A remarkable achievement that brings the full battle royal experience to mobile devices. Touchscreen controls have never truly felt at home in a shooter, but PUBG Mobile proves to be the exception. While it will never match the proficiency of a mouse and keyboard or controller, I felt competent on the battlefield. There are also helpful systems in place that make collecting items a breeze. Your character will equip scavenged guns, ammo, armor, attachments, and health items on their own, even going as far as to switch them out with better alternatives on the fly. All you have to do is stand over them. You can take a more hands on approach if you so choose though. There are still going to be those moments where you shoot when you meant to turn, but overall the control system is very satisfactory.

The game also runs incredibly well. Lag will only occur during the worst conditions or as a result of the weakest of wifi. It looks great as well. All of which is surprising for such a large scale multiplayer game on a mobile device. Admittedly, some of this is due by the player count being filled out by bots. Don't worry, there are still plenty of real people for you to kill. While it does lead to more looting options, the inclusion of bots means that not every kill is satisfying. A minor complaint given how excellent everything else is.

For those unfamiliar with what PUBG is, this is a multiplayer game that tosses you and 99 other people onto an island and tasks you with being the last person or team standing. You drop with no items, forcing you to look for supplies around the map. The play area constantly grows smaller as you are driven closer to other players as the match goes on. This leads to increased firefights and makes things pretty intense as you must manage your time looking for supplies and gunning down other players whilst on the move to the new, smaller safe area. It all makes for incredibly satisfying victories and is a lot of fun whether you come out near or at least near the top or not.

Overall, this is a standout mobile game that defies expectations by overcoming the obstacles both shooters and multiplayer games have experienced on mobile devices since the beginning. Aside from being a significant technical achievement, it's also one heck of a fun game. The matches are addictive and it's remarkably accessible to gamers of any experience level. The most surprising thing of all though? They're giving away all of this for free. That's right, you don't have to put down any money whatsoever for the full PUBG experience on the go. So you really have no reason to not at least give the game a shot. I highly recommend that you do.
