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You get three of the greatest side-scrolling beat 'em ups of all time for one low price and with a few sweet extras. Each of the games has aged surprisingly well. Their simplistic action still holds appeal and the soundtracks are just as fantastic as ever. The first two games suffer from slow movement horizontally and vertically. It's only really an issue during certain boss fights. Especially in the second game where some of them can attack outside of their lanes. Pretty unfair if you ask me.

The third game in the series is easily the most fluid of the bunch thanks to the faster movements between lanes. It's widely regarded to be the worst of the three though due to the problems with the difficulty being higher in the American version of the game. Luckily this package fixes that by making it possible to play the original Japanese versions of each title. Making Streets of Rage 3 easier and letting you bypass all of that pesky censorship.

Personally, I prefer the first Streets of Rage. It might not have the extra characters or complexity of its sequels, but there's something about its straightforward approach that I feel was lost in the follow ups. The biggest issue I have with it is that some of the bosses are a little unbalanced. The same can be said of SoR2 as well.

Overall, this is a great way to experience these classics for the first time. Being able to save at any time not only makes the games more forgiving, but also means you won't have to beat them in one sitting in order to not risk losing all of your progress. Longtime fans might find the ability to play the different regional versions and the other handful of bonuses worth revisiting the series for. Whatever the case, this is a great package that offers the best way to play three seriously awesome games.
